Elk are an excellent source for meat, velvet, and breeding stock. The meat is lean and healthy, compared to beef or pork, and it's delicious. Incorporating Elk into your diet is a great way to add diversity, nutrition, and interest to your family's meals.
What do Elk eat?
Elk are grazers and eat mostly pasture, trees, and brush. On our farm, they are free-ranged on local grasses that are perfectly suited to their needs. In the winter, we supplement with home-grown alfalfa.
Does Elk taste good?
Never tried Elk? We have never served Elk that wasn't love at first bite! Most have gone on to say they prefer ground Elk over ground beef! The meat from Elk is tender and mild.
Is Elk healthy for you?
Elk has less sodium, less cholesterol and fat content, and fewer calories than beef. Adding Elk to your diet is a heart healthy choice! Scientists are becoming increasingly concerned about the antibiotics, steroids, and growth hormones used in the mass production of meat animals. We agree! That's why we never use antibiotics, growth hormones, or steroids in our free-range pasture-raised Elk.
What is life like for an Elk at the Black Canyon Elk Ranch?
Elk raised at the Black Canyon Elk Ranch enjoy 250-acres of land to roam and graze. They live together as a herd and are completely pasture-raised. In early March, the breeding bulls shed their antlers. From March to August, the bulls display their velvet-wrapped antlers. In late May to early July, Elk calves are born. And in the fall, from September to November, is breeding season. We respect and honor the animals that we raise and we feel blessed to offer them a fulfilling life.